We are the best olive mill of Spain in 2019!!
10 May, 2019Hello, we have great news, Spanish Association of Municipalities of Olivo. AEMO has just informed us that we have been awarded as the Best olive Mill of Spain 2019. This is a very special prize, because an Almazara is made by all those who work in it, so congratulations to the entire team!
The organization said
“FIRST PRIZE for the ALMAZARA ORO DEL DESIERTO whose extra virgin olive oil is sold under the same brand, ORO DEL DESIERTO, from Tabernas (Almería), municipality of AEMO The value of this integral project based on the sustainability of the cultivation of olive trees in the Tabernas desert has been valued in an extraordinary way, and has become an authentic worldwide reference in the ecological production of exceptional oils, which are also marketed and exported masterfully and always with a decent price.
For its part, the jury has especially valued the perfect management performed by the Alonso Aguilera family from the tree in the bottle. Everything begins with the right moment of collection, following the times and temperatures used in the process, as well as the absolute cleanliness that prevails in the site and the deep technical knowledge that governs each phase. And all this wrapped in an authentic obsession to extract the maximum possible quality of those special varieties, Hojiblanca, Picual and Arbequina, that vegetate in their own farm.
It has also valued the oleoturísticos values that surround the own mill, with a thematic restaurant that extols the extra virgin produced there, with guided visits to the ecological farm where the olive is produced, even with rural houses managed by the company in the surroundings of the own oil mill.
Finally the evaluation of the coupage oil presented has been defined by the tasting jury with a very high rating, describing it as an intense fruity juice of green olives, with notes of green tomato, vegetable aromas, aromatic herbs and banana. In the mouth, the oil turned out to be very sweet, soft and delicate, and presented a spicy and bitter medium and balanced with a pleasant persistence. Very complex juice as a whole. “
We want to thank the current Tabernas City Council and previous corporation for joining and staying at AEMO and know how to understand the importance of the olive grove as a crop for the economy of our municipality, we must promote the sustainability and compatibility of it in our area!
Next week we will pick you up at EXPOLIVA where the awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 16 at the Diputación de Jaén stand